Night photography has a magical air about it. Scenes that seem forgettable in sunlight can be transformed when they are shot after the sun has set. In addition, night photos have a greater chance to be taken uninterrupted in places that may be busier when the sun is high.

Camera Choice

For the best night shots, the features that should be considered are a dynamic range that is wide, a large sensor, and a high ISO range. A quality DSLR probably has these aspects covered. The high ISO range is important because there is significantly less ambient light than most photographers are used to at night. Without the wide dynamic range, details will be lost in the image’s shadows. A large sensor helps to capture light as much as possible.

Ideal Settings

Even the best camera for photography at night requires the proper settings to capture that stunning night sky vista or landscape at night. First, shoot manual. Second, use a wide aperture; for night photography, the wider the better. That lets in as much light as can be permitted. Third, set the ISO to a minimum of 800, working upward depending on the condition of the light. Fourth, make use of a high slow-shutter speed. Urban night photography might require two- to ten-second shutter speeds. A starscape might need ten seconds or more. Finally, use a tripod. With shutter speeds so slow, night photos will be shaky without stabilization.

Final Tips

Shoot RAW. JPEGs are too compressed to really appreciate the wide dynamic range captured in night photography. Allow for plenty of time. Night photography rewards patience and creativity. Play with settings to snap the perfect image. Expect to take plenty of test shots. Use exposure bracketing. Either use a built-in feature or manually adjust the exposure compensation to have choices when the time comes to edit images. Try aperture priority. Choose an aperture that is wide and let the camera do the rest when you are just starting out. Obtain a remote. A shutter release cable or a remote will stop any camera shake from occurring when snapping a picture, which is a risk even with a stabilized camera. These tips will help snap amazing night time photographs.