When you are just starting out in your modeling career, you won’t be expected to have professional photos in your portfolio. You will only really need some simple snapshots that showcase your look, your personality, and your versatility. With that being said, here are some things that should be in your modeling portfolio while you are trying to land your first gigs with an agency.
Beauty Shot or Clean Headshots
The first thing that should always be in a good modeling portfolio is a beauty shot if you are a fashion model or a clean headshot if you are a commercial model. These photos will be close-up shots of your face from the shoulders on up and will show how you look in your most natural state. Beauty shots will usually be in color and not show the model smiling. Headshots can be a little more relaxed and can be in color or black and white.
Full-Length Body Shots
A full-length body shot is intended to show agents your body type and proportions. Clothing should be simple and relatively form-fitting since the point is to show your body and not your clothing. Simple tops and tight pants are good, but flowing skirts and loose-fitting tops should be avoided.
Swim Shots
If you are a fashion model over the age of 16, the next shot in your portfolio should be a swimsuit photo. The goal of swimsuit photos is to not look overly sexual. You are trying to sell clothing to potential clients, not put yourself on display.
Fashion & Commercial Shots
Once you have some photos that show agents how you look as a proverbial blank canvas, you can have some fun and show off your personality. Take some fashion shots that showcase your own style as well as some shots that look like something out of a print ad. This is essentially like acting in a still photograph, especially when you take commercial shots. Have some fun with these photos, and remember that you’re trying to sell clothing or products, not just yourself.
Smiling Headshots
If you don’t have a smiling headshot yet, add one to your portfolio next. This should show you with a warm, friendly smile that shows your teeth. It will help you look friendly and more approachable.
Closing Shots
Finally, close with one of your strongest photos, preferably a really great headshot. Remember that most agents will likely remember the first and last photos in your portfolio more than anything else, so make sure these are your best photos.